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The problem solver

Impel specialises in solving problems in flow technology

Specially developing customised product solutions in flow technology is a smart way of achieving better overall economics. We work on both smaller and larger projects which very often require us to invent completely new components and solutions that the market has never seen before. Impel has the latest in modern technology and has great expertise in the area.

Benefits of specially adapted products:

  • Improve and simplify operations
  • Increase efficiency and result in better profitability
  • Can be developed in several different variants and volumes
  • Boost efficiency and provide competitive advantages in the market

Impel is receptive to every customer’s needs and requirements. We are assisted by the broadest product range on the market, with more than 7000 articles that can be customised.



Joakim Arndt
Switchboard: +46 (0)42-37 89 80
Direct: +46 (0)42-37 89 87